what happens here....
here at jstanthrcatholicgrl, your host, me, nora, provides you with authentic catholic life. were not trying to be fluffy here, just real. on the fiat podcast, we do that same thing, hold authentic conversations, with some of the people closest to me.
blog posts
right here, blog posts about life and relatable things
podcast eps!
podcasts with special guests about topics the hs provides
right here, under the poems section. from all times of life
My name is Nora Hopkins, aka jstanthrcatholicgrl
i like coffee, saints, jesus, and living an authentic lifestyle for the lord.
i also love learning what the lord is calling me to, and doing less and being more.
i also love poems, which I started posting on here- some are old, and some are new.
the blog:
keep scrolling to see a bunch of blog posts- the regular old posts are under all posts, poems are under just poems.
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