Why does everything suck all the time
Why does no one care about me and only about themselves
Why does my brain hurt all the time
Why does no one even ask me to hang out, to talk about life and what’s going on in my mind
Why I don’t get it
My emotions seem to do the same thing every day
One second it’s the best time of my life, a few moments later everything is making me stressed and I’m crying on my bathroom floor feeling like no one gets this part of me cause no one will ever see this girl here
They’ll only see the happy, joyful me
Never this girl
Who even knew this was really who I was?
Why did I ever think they’d be able to see through these masks into my mind, when no one will ever get it
The only thing left is tears, sometimes they aren’t even healing. Jesus, why does the devil attack me like this? I’m so tired of being here, where nothing will ever fulfill me. I never see you anyways, I’m trying Lord I am but I can’t